I’ve spent way too much time learning this blog thing. I used the ‘Tarski’ theme because it fit me the best. However, I changed the header to a picture of my tulips from last spring, then I didn’t like the width, so I changed that. After that, I realized I didn’t like the line-spacing of the type and in fact I didn’t like the size of the type. Well, the size of the type doesn’t matter because every computer in my house showed my posts as a different size. I think I’d like to learn how to design my own blog theme. It would be called the pat orvidas theme – ha ha! Needless to say, I’m still figuring this whole thing out and now I’m more excited than frustrated. That’s a good thing!

snow crocus

snow crocus

For now I am just going to post stuff and try to get back to gardening. I have tulips to plant, daffodils to locate and sweet little crocus and hyacinth…not to mention a TON of garlic! Then there is the applesauce to can… get busy Pat!!

There is only truth in pictures of hands.

There are no lies in pictures of hands.

This is my favorite picture of Alex’s graduation. I am so proud of this guy. He worked hard.

Jessie took this picture – she can see so many things the rest of us do not see. Oh yeah, we all took other photos – ones with his sleepy grin. They are pretty good too. The one with his adviser/teacher was sweet – she yanked him through that program on the days he didn’t feel like it. Others with his sister, parents and grandma were all nice – it was obvious we were proud. Hands tell a lot about a person and yet they keep the secrets of the night before – unless your mom writes in her blog that you were celebrating until 4 AM!!!

Reading corner.


My main uncluttered space for relaxing, reading and talking.

I love this!

I love fried eggs, cinnamon toast and tea for lunch. To be precise, I like 2 eggs, 1 piece of toast and a huge mug of tea with milk and agave syrup. I have this at least once a week and will most likely live on this when I’m old. Imagine my surprise one day when I cracked open a jumbo egg and there were two yolks! I gasped! Then I was in a dilemma – eat 3?

twins with a sister

twins with a sister

I am going to learn about blogging.

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