
One of my favorite summer memories was the time my mom brought her friend to our house for a visit. Every aspect of it was lovely. She brought us some fancy pants chocolates from California, all different shapes and flavors. After dinner we carefully split maybe 2 or 3 chocolates into bite sized pieces so we could try each one. Add a few sips of red wine and you’ve got an inspired gift! Another moment was picking sunflowers at our local CSA farm. We took in Seattle’s Public Market and the Sculpture Park. After visiting Lopez Island for a day, we had a delicious dinner in Anacortes at Cafe Adrift (make reservations – 360-588-0653). Near the end of their visit we enjoyed a sculpture installation by an artist from Lopez island at the Bellevue Art Museum. They were stacks and carvings of madrona wood – just beautiful.
It was a delightful visit!

Pike Place Market

Here they are at Pike Place Market waiting for them to “throw the fish”. However, this was right after the controversy happened with the animal activists. We never saw them throw the fish.

Here is a link to the controversy.


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